Specialist residential property solutions in and around London with a focus on overseas clients


"Assents Property were very quick to help with any issues, we have benefitted from great management and fast solutions."

Renting gives you greater flexibility than owning a property, however, it still takes time and money to find the right place and to move in.  So it is worth your while to put some careful thought into finding somewhere that will suit you.

If you have found a property to rent, what happens next? The following steps will provide you with most of the information and advice you need to clinch the property in this fast moving environment and secure your home. Our tenants and landlords have awarded us a 5/5 stars agency for trust, transparency, efficiency and quality of homes. If you need further assistance, please contact us on [email protected] or call on 07954324477.


Simple Guide to Renting a Property from Private Landlord

Note: It is important to check or seek help with your finances and budget carefully before signing up to a tenancy agreement. Failure to pay your bills and rent will have severe consequences as you may be evicted from your home and face financial/legal claims against you. Please refer to your tenancy agreement for full terms and conditions.